Tuesday, January 29, 2008

23 Weeks pregnant

Well we are 23 weeks along now, however I think that I will start out telling you how we got at least this far. In January of 2007 my husband and I found out we were PG with our first child and were ecstatic! We however lost or first baby and found it hard to deal with but we picked up the pieces after months of healing physically and emotionally- it took the doctors 3 months for them to do a D&C on me even though I was heavily bleeding the whole time. We also found out with my first baby on one of my ultrasounds the I have a Bicornuate uterus, which means its heart shaped and can cause some late term MC or pre-term delivery,and some times C-section because the baby doesn't have enough space to grow, and some people don't end up having a problem with it and sail through there pregnancys and deliver with a regular birth at full term. So basically I was also labeled as being a high risk pregnancy.

We waited the recommended time b-4 we became PG again, and then we got PG our first month available lol : ). This was September 07. We are so excited with this one also and I had all the great Morning sickness which was really wake up sick and go to bed sick kind of sickness but that was ok- I didn't mind it to much after all the baby was growing and we were doing well I couldn't complain. My regular OB referred us to see some high risk Dr's. because of my uterus, even though everything was still going well and it continued to go easy until Jan. 2, 2008. We had our regular monthly check up and they did the ultrasound to find out the babies sex, and we found out were having a BOY!!!!! what a blessing : ) but at the same time the found out that my cervix was funneling. Which means it was opening from the inside, and i was again referred to the high risk Docs. They too agreed that my cervix was funneling but the weren't convinced that i defiantly had an incompetent cervix. So he put me on bed rest and i was told to come back in a week to check on whether or not my cervix had shortened anymore. He also went ahead and scheduled a surgery for me called a cerclage i think just to make me feel better cause i don't think he thought i needed it. Well it turns out that i did. My cervix had shortened even more and the doc had a change in heart and felt that the surgery would be the best thing we could do to save the baby. So i went into surgery a few short hours later. I was put to sleep during the surgery and he stitched my cervix closed and woke up about an hour later and went home to heal. Had some cramping that day and some light bleeding for the next 4 or 5 days and haven't had any challenges since. I've been feeling him move since about 14 weeks PG but during the 20th week i started feeling him move alot and during week 22 i have been feeling him occasionally on the outside of my tummy with my hand! So exciting! We went back to the the doctor on the 28th and he said everything was looking great baby had plenty of fluid around him a nice strong heartbeat at 155 but also said i was to remain on bed rest only getting up to go to the bathroom some meals and showering stairs maybe once or twice a day at most. Its been almost a month on bed rest and it looks like we have alot more to go, but thats ok as long as the babies healthy and strong anything to keep him in a little longer.

We go back to the docs in three weeks for an update, we also told him at this last appt. that we only want to see him or the people at his practice since there all high risk doctors instead of my reg. OB . I just feel more comfortable with them taking care of us. We have to deliver at a different hospital but the upside to that is its right next to our children's hospital so if he does come earlier than we would like he would've been transferred there anyhow so over all this seems to be the safest decision.

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